6. Ignoring Pattern Instructions
Failing to follow instructions is one of the most common sewing mistakes amongst beginners. Some of them think they know better than the pattern instructions. Ignoring the instructions will only cause you to rip some seams and start your knitting from zero again.
Make sure you follow all the sewing instructions. They are made with beginners in mind. If used correctly, they can help you avoid serious mistakes. You can also learn new tricks to improve your skills and make your sewing experience better.
7. Choosing the Wrong Thread and Needle
Most sewing professionals use 100 percent polyester all-purpose threads in their sewing projects. They are preferred because of their capacity to withstand tension. Try as much as possible to avoid rayon, silk and top stitching threads.
You also need to make sure you use the right type of needle recommended for your fabric. Universal needles are mostly used in fabrics made of natural fiber. Ballpoint needles are preferred for projects that involve sewing with knits.
Mastering the art of sewing is an important undertaking. A good approach is to start small and gradually acquire new skills as you gain more experience. You should also try as much as you can to avoid the sewing mistakes discussed above.
The End
So, with that we have reached the end of the very informative post. Which mistake are you guilty of? Is it 1, 5 and 6 just like me or something else? Let me know in the comments below. I promise I will not tell anyone.
Esther Garcia O'Hare says
#’s 3 & 5 were always my mistakes. However, I’ve reformed my ways! I almost ruined a project from having to rip out threads because of too-tight tension. And I never prepped my fabric until a baby blanket shrank to almost burp cloth size!? Yes, I’ve reformed my ways! Thanks for the great tips!
Susan Muir says
3 and 7